Sunday, June 3, 2012

How simple was that?

A friend was sending me pictures of his fiancé and I was unable to save it. So our conversation was

Friend: Check Kar..pic bheja
Me: Okay
Friend: But its showing Sangita is unable to save, coz memory is full
Me: Okay! need to delete few things from the memory….
Friend: Do it asap, will get busy and then forget to send you the pictures

Simple ain’t it, delete some things from the memory that’s useless and make space for new ones, which are more important as of today.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

....Reality Check!!

I am just wondering do everyone feel the same the way I feel right now..when you see different side of a person??? Do you also become so vulnerable the way I am right now...or Am I "Paagal" as the person put me..or too emotional or too stupid or too sensitive..Is everyone else so strong to accept the swirl of emotion without reacting to it.

I know such phase come in your life and eventually you manage to cope-up with it and I hope I too will. Don't even know where my thinking is going, which direction is it flowing but i know at this moment I am feeling extreme pain and hatred at the same time. Someone said we should not keep expectation and we should not be depended but I fail to make people understand that there is a thin line between consideration and compassion and expectation and dependence. So tomorrow If I am doing anything and i expect little bit of consideration and respect I don't think so I am wrong because I am sure the person in question would also feel the same.

Perhaps,this blog will absolutely make no sense to some but may be it will make it for someone else. But I am looking for some little as an attentive ear and a broad smile...but don't know where to get it from.

If any of you, my dear friends are planning to set-up a business can you sell "happiness- that too a customised one"..Will be grateful for all my life!!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Life, when its in no mood to live!!!

It’s a new beginning…a reason for living ehh!!! But the question is when would that be???Though I love humming the song like umpteenth time but “saala” the question is…. LIFE so damn confusing for every one or I am the damn one in million out of the oyster disfigured pearl, which apart from its origin has no shine…. no beauty… no pearl like glory. The peril of life is living it and how should I make it worth that again a big QUESTION!! Can’t be cocooned like this for ever…. I need to fly away and hoping it’ll be soon.